How it works


Interested in becoming a Sofar artist? We’d love to hear from you. You'll just need a few things to apply.

Basic info

Artist name and contact info.

Live video and show location

A link to an example of one of your live performances, and the location you’d like to play your first Sofar concert.

Setup and social media links

Let us know what your stage setup is and share social media links we can send to audience members after your show.

Optional demographic info

Share optional demographic info to help us better understand the artists who apply to Sofar, used solely for aggregate reporting purposes.

Your submission video

Whether it’s filmed on stage or alone in your bedroom, we only accept videos of live performances that meet these requirements:

  • Videos should be of a live performance recorded in one take, so we can see how you would perform live.
  • Performances must have live audio, and be longer than 30 seconds.
  • We do not accept highlight reels.

Application review process

When submitting an application, you’re applying to become a Sofar artist. Local or regional teams review applications and book performers for their city. Applications can take up to 8 weeks to review due to the volume we receive, so we greatly appreciate your patience. Once accepted, you can share your availability for shows in your home city and additional locations from your Artist Dashboard. Keep in mind that many Sofar cities operate independently and only host occasional shows, so it may be harder to find availability there.

If you aren't accepted, don’t be discouraged! There are many reasons why a show may not work at this time. Sofar exists because of artists like you, and we really appreciate you taking the time to apply. We know that you put a lot of work into what you do, and would love for you to apply again in the future when you have new material to share. ​​We're always happy to take another listen.

Sofar is for everyone

Around the world, the Sofar community creates listening rooms for artists from all backgrounds and musical traditions to reach new audiences. Nearly every kind of style has been performed by the more than 10,000 artists that play Sofar every year, from Brazilian punk to spoken word.


Sofar Sounds is a global community that connects artists and audiences through unique and intimate experiences. We bring people together to create space where music and arts matter in 400 cities around the world.

© 2025 Sofar Sounds, LTD |




