How Sofar Works

What's a Sofar Sounds show?

Sofar transforms everyday spaces - like a rooftop or art gallery - and turns them into captivating, intimate venues for secret, live music performances, creating an immersive experience that brings guests and artists closer together. Each Sofar is small, and typically features three diverse acts, with no headliner.

1. Pick a show near you

Pick a concert in your hometown, or while you travel. You’ll choose your Sofar based on the neighborhood or vibe, but the exact venue and artists will be unknown.

2. Feel the anticipation

The suspense is almost over. A day before the show you’ll receive an email from us that reveals the address and other key details. You’ll find out who the artists are when they take the mic.

3. Share the love

Look out for an email from us after the performances with information about the artists you saw. When you find an artist you love, be sure to follow them on social media so you can go to their next gig. Then, come join us at another Sofar and discover more artists.

Find a Sofar in your city

Get Started

Sofar Sounds is a global community that connects artists and audiences through unique and intimate experiences. We bring people together to create space where music and arts matter in 400 cities around the world.

© 2025 Sofar Sounds, LTD |




